Into our Roots
https://rainedawn93.wordpress.com/2016/12/04/turtle-mountain-chippewa/ I've spent a lot of time processing my trip to North Dakota. My...

Journey to Balance
Balance: an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady. Even distribution of weight, of...

4 more days!
Wow... there's only 4 more days until I leave for North Dakota! I am so excited to learn the ways of the Ojibwe... to connect with my...

The Middle Way
With all that's happening in this world, I know many may feel as though they are suffering, and yet others feel a sense of centeredness...

Boozhoo! (hello) I have been so blessed by many with support for my journey, and donations to take to the water protectors! A special...

Buffalo Medicine
There is so much happening... The Standing Rock Sioux have taken back ceded land that is theirs under the Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851,...

My giwaa directed me to read the Mishomis Book written about the history and teachings of our people, the Ojibwe. This book is fantastic!

Ojibwe Clans
The Ojibwe word “Dodaem” means “That from which one draws one’s purpose, one’s meaning, one’s being”, and comes from the root word...

Its times likes these I remember the song lyrics "signs signs everywhere there's signs," I have been meditating on the trip every day,...

Beautiful day
Today is a beautiful day here on the east coast. The sun is shining and the air has a nice chill to it. It is 57* with a high of 75*...